Hello everyone!
In the last blog I mentioned I would report an update on my research and present new data to you guys. Unfortunately, I am still waiting on some samples.
Luckily, I have over a dozen impact melt samples from the Mistastin impact structure being scanned in the electron micro-probe for backscattered electron images. When I acquire these images at the end of the week I will be able to test the semi-automated digital image analysis method I proposed during my PhD comps exam. I am also taking a trip up to Elginfield next week to collect Mistastin samples. For those who do not know, Elginfield is an abandoned observatory 40 minutes north of London where we have stored samples from varies impact structures. Once I collect these samples I can perform more optical microscopy, electron micro-probe, and digital image analysis.
Lately I have been focused on my manuscript edits and outreach responsibilities. I have received the next set of edits for my manuscript and plan to send an updated draft to my co-authors. I planned to submit the manuscript to a journal this month but realistically it may not happen until January after the winter holidays. That is okay. As long as I submit the manuscript in the next couple of months I will be happy!
Not really much else to report. Until I get a hold of the samples at Elginfield I am limited in terms of sample analysis and data interpretation.
I will also be finalizing my Apollo sample list for the CAPTEM Spring 2019 call-for-proposals before I head off home to Scotland!
For those who are not aware, the call for abstracts for LPSC 2019 and GAC-MAC 2019 conferences have been released! I will not be able to attend LPSC this year so good luck to those who are planning to submit an abstract. We have a Terrestrial Analogues for Comparative Planetary Geology and Astrobiology special session at GAC-MAC 2019 in May. The location is Quebec City! I would recommend taking a look at the website for more information.
GAC-MAC 2019 site: https://gacmac-quebec2019.ca/
I have never been to Quebec City but I have been told it is beautiful! The picture below proves it I think.

I apologize for this blog being quite short. I promise next time I will have more to show before the holidays!
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
See you all soon.