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Science Communication


Do you have a class or group who loves to talk about space exploration and wants to know what careers are available in the space sector? I am an advent science communicator and outreach volunteer and I would love to put my services forward to present talks and/or demonstrations about space, the Moon, and planetary exploration.

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If you are interested in a presentation, you can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and on the Institute for Earth and Space Exploration (Western Space) website.

Below are a series of videos where I have participated on podcasts and presented topics about lunar exploration. I have also volunteered at numerous International Observe the Moon Nights with Western Space and Indus Space Inc.


Check out my CV to get more information about my science communication and academic background.

Media Exposure

I want to share a few topics I love to talk about at Scicomm and outreach events

1. The History of Lunar Exploration

2. A Tour of the Moon

3. Volcanoes in our Solar System

4. Impact Craters, and What They Reveal

5. Careers in Space: Not Just for STEM

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