I have looked into different analytical techniques to measure and analyse the geochemistry of the Craters of the Moon lava flows. XRF will collect whole-rock geochemical data (major and trace) and electron microprobe analysis will analyse the feldspars in each selected lava sample. Using a jaw crusher and an agate mill 8 samples have been powdered for XRF analysis. I plan to run my powdered samples through the XRF machine in the Biotron Building located at Western University and a portable XRF device normally used in the field. This is to acquire two sets of whole-rock geochemical data to compare and begin analysis early because the portable device measures the samples faster. I am putting the samples through on Monday (October 17th).
Thanks to Dr Scott Hughes (Prof, Idaho State University (ISU)) and Dr Shannon Kobs (Assistant Prof, ISU) (both a part of the NASA FINESSE Team) a selection of samples collected by the FINESSE Team from 2014-2015 are being sent to me for petrographic analysis. To make sure no 2014-2015 and 2016 samples overlap I added the GPS points from the August, 2016 field work samples (white squares with stars) to the 2014-2015 (red dots) google earth map (image below).

I wanted to know everyone's thoughts on this.......