The image above contains a geological map of Craters of the Moon and an outline of the L-Band Radar data. The geological map shows the individual lava flows within my field site. North crater, Serrate, Devil's Orchard, Blue Dragon and North Highway flow are the only units assigned on the map (see images legend). The L-band CPR radar data reveals the relative surface roughness of each lava flow. Red indicates rough and blue indicates smooth.
Priority samples are being prepared for thin section and XRF analysis. Each sample is plotted on both maps showing where they were taken from in the field. The priority samples comprise of an equal number of lava flows with different surface morphologies for fair comparison when geochemical data is gathered.
Priority Samples:
- COTM16004 Blocky Devil's Orchard Flow
- COTM16007 Smooth Blue Dragon Flow
- COTM16009 Slabby North Crater Flow
- COTM16013 Blocky Serrate Flow
- COTM16022 Rubbly Devil's Orchard Flow
- COTM16029 Blocky Devil's Orchard Flow
- COTM16033 Smooth/Wispy Red/Green Dragon Flow
- COTM16034 Rubbly North Crater Flow
- HWY16003 Rubbly North Highway Flow
I read about the eruptive history and different lava flows present at Crater of the Moon from Kuntz et al., (1982). To summarize, Kuntz et al., (1982) described Pahoehoe and Aa flows being the dominate type of lava surface morphology at Craters of the Moon, however Aa is debated to not be the correct term for describing the block and rubbly lava flows (rough).