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The Race to Finishing Papers...At A Turtles Pace

Gavin Tolometti

Research Motivation Update

Well this is just an update post about my research, nothing too fancy. For the past couple of weeks, I have been working on a manuscript on my research trying to estimate the temperature of melt produced by impact events after energy has been released. I looked at the microstructures of a mineral known as zircon (see my previous posts for more information) to estimate the temperatures of impact melt deposits at different locations in the Mistastin Lake impact structure located in Labrador, Canada. On the first week everything was going at a smooth pace. I had an outline written up in one day, had a rough draft completed in a week, and started a supplementary materials paper explaining the methodology in more detail. Once I started the second week, I began feeling slumped. I think at this point the uneasiness and stress of working from home started to get to me. I began losing motivation and found it easier to take breaks every day. I kept a fitness routine up so I was able to keep my mental health relatively healthy, but I could not shake the motivation slump. Part of it is because I started to feel home sick. I am originally from Scotland and I have not gotten to see my parents since October 2019. Even longer for my friends and siblings, I have not seen them since New Years D: It was a struggle for a couple of days. I did not even want to get out of bed. I did manage to find my feet again once I started to receive emails about new data. The results were very promising, and gave me the kick in the butt I needed to get back on track. Now I am back to writing my manuscript and finishing off another paper on my Iceland lava flow research.

Virtual Presentations

On top of the papers I am writing this month, I also have two virtual meetings where I will be presenting my research and academic skill set to other grad students and potential employers around the world. The first meeting is the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter PSWG LPSC meeting from April 27th-28th. I am presenting the impact melting research I just talked about above. Originally, I was supposed to give an oral presentation on that research at the 51st annual LPSC meeting in Texas this March, but due to new circumstances the meeting was cancelled. The presentation has to be no longer than 12 minutes with a couple minutes for questions. I will be starting to work on the presentation today. I already have a half completed LPSC presentation that I am going to adapt for this meeting. The second meeting is the Virtual Early Career Planetary Networking Event. This meeting is going to be held from the 24th of April to the 1st of May. I am scheduled to give a 5 minute lightning talk in the Planetary Volcanism and Igneous Processes session at 2 pm EST on April 29th. I was initially going to just present my Iceland research at this session. However, my supervisor Dr Catherine Neish and the meeting organizers informed me that the presentation slots are allocated for students to present their research and skill sets. They want to give us this opportunity to demonstrate what we know, what methods we have used over the years, and how we can present data. I should have caught onto this considering the meeting has Planetary Networking Event in the title...

Recipe of the Week!

Okay, so I am actually a couple weeks behind on for two reasons. First, I have been having phone troubles the past couple of weeks so I have not been able to post about my cooking and baking lately on Instagram and Twitter. Second, getting ingredients such as yeast, flour and sugar has become a challenge lately. The hoarders have calmed down now, but grocery stores are still recovering and getting back to their regular delivery and stocking routine. I have only been able to make a couple of things and unfortunately I do not have any photos for you guys :/

I have made banana muffins, small buns that went with Easter dinner, strawberry cheesecake and peanut butter cookies. If any of you guys want these recipes then please comment on this post or DM me on my Twitter @GavinOnTheMoon.

I plan to have my phone issues fixed for the next post and hopefully get to share with you guys more cooking and baking photos :D


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